Middletown Roofing Contractor

Window Leak Repair in Monroe, NY

Window Leak Repair in Monroe, NY
Water was leaking into this Monroe, NY home through their window since the last rainstorm. To prevent severe damage to the home, the homeowner needed to have this fixed immediately. We removed the siding off of that side of the house and removed all the house wrap behind it. Once the side of the house was bare, we inspected for plywood that needed to be replaced and recovered the entire side of the house with Owens Corning ProArmor Synthetic Underlayment. The underlayment was sealed to the windows using Barricade Flashing Tape to ensure no water could get between the two. The siding was reinstalled on top to finish the repair. It took about a day and a half to finish.

*Brand Used: Owens Corning, Barricade

*Estimated Budget: $3,600

Window Leak Repair Project Gallery

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If you are looking for window repair services in Monroe, NY, call Serrano II Inc at 845-692-2226, or fill out our online request form.

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